Kangen masak dan kangen dapur tua mama ku... jadilah bikin Rendang salah satu makanan kesukaan banyak orang di Indonesia, tapi resepnya lebih ke rasa makanan jawa karena lebih manis.. dibanding rasa asli rendang Sumatera yang lebih asin dan gurih... yuuk di tengok
I feel wanna cook, I miss cooking and my mom's old kitchen.. so here I make Rendang one of Indonesian favorite food. but my recipe more to Javanese taste, since rendang is from Sumatera or Melayu... my rendang tastes more sweet than the regular rendang that is more salty and savory...
Bahan / ingredients
*1 kg Daging sapi has luar
1 kilo beef meat
*Santan dari 2 butir kelapa ( kental, dan encer 2x saring )
Coconut milk from 2 coconut make the thick and the light ones 2 glass and 1 glass light one
or you can use instant coconut milk ( 2 glass thick coconut milk and 1 glass coconut milk mix with water / light coconut milk )
*bumbu rendang halus untuk 1 kg daging
Rendang spices choose the liquid or paste not the powder for 1 kilo meat
*1 lembar daun kunyit
1 tumeric leaves
*2 lembar daun salam
2 bay leaf
*1 ruas laos
Around 10 cm galangal
*2 buah sereh ( ambil putihnya )
2 lemon grass ( use the white part )
*2 lembar daun jeruk
2 lime leaf
*asam kandis 2 ruas jari
2 pcs tamarind
*garam seukupnya
1-2 teaspoon Salt
*gula jawa 1/2 bongkal ( gula jawa lingkaran besar )
1 big Palm sugar ( the dish more to sweet taste )
* minyak goreng secukupnya
around 3-4 tablespoon cooking oil
Cara membuat / How to
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus rendang, aduk - aduk hingga wangi dan berubah warna,
masukkan daun daun lalu masukkan santan encer, hingga mendidih
aduk - aduk terus agar santan tidak pecah hingga mendidih.
Pre heat the cooking oil, sauted the rendang spices and all the leafs and galangal until its smell good, and change colour preferably using small fire, adding 1 glass of light coconut milk ( the one that we mixed with water if we use the instant coconut milk ), stirr it well dont let the coconut milk break until its boiled
2. lalu masukkan santan kental hingga mendidih lagi, tetap aduk2
lalu masukkan daging dan asam kandis lalu masukkan gula jawa dan garam.
tetap aduk aduk agar santan tidak pecah.
Add the thick coconut milk and stirr well.. keep stirring we dont want to break the coconut milk, then adding the meat, tamarind, palm sugar and salt
3. tetap masak hingga santan mengental dan kering
Let it cook until the coconut milk thicken and dry stirr it once in a while, it will not make the dish stick to the pan
4. lalu angkat dan hidangkan bentuk rendang akan gelap seperti gosong..itu hasil yg baik
Turn off the stove, and served. The dish will look dark almost like over cooked but that is the best result
5. tambahkan irisan cabai diatas rendang untuk hiasan atau bila ingin lebih pedas.
Add slices chillies on top of rendang for garnish or when you want it to be more hots
6 Rendang makin enak setelah dipanaskan berkali2
This rendang will taste better after pre heated time to time especialy before time to eat ( left over can be stored in the fridge and can be consume until max a week )
*1 kilo daging setelah matang menjadi 1/2 kilo
1 kilo of meat will reducing to half kilo after cooked
* 4 porsi lama pengerjaan 2- 3 jam
4 portions, time 2 - 3 hours
Selamat mencoba Happy Cooking