Judulnya males... less.. less...jadi makan malam kemarin hanya pasta saja.. tapi ada sosisnya juga, jadi agak lumayan setelah beberapa hari ini ga pingin makan, tapi harus makan supaya tetap sehat dan bisa ber aktivitas kan ... jadilah pasta ala ala ini... resep ada di bawah ya untuk yang mau tau...
Call me lazy.. yes.. Im lazy girl actualy.. I dont like complicated recipe.. just love to have simple and easy cooking... so after few days I lost my appetites.. I need to keep myself fit to do daily basis works... here we have pasta with very simple sauce... for those who would like to know the recipe.. its down below
Bahan / Ingredients;
* 1 genggam pasta ( pasta apa saja boleh, macaroni, fusili, dll ) rendam terlebih dahulu di dalam air selama 5 menit, agar saat di rebus cepat empuk, lalu rebus pasta dengan air hingga lembut.
* Handfull of pasta ( any pasta will do, from macaroni, fusili etc ) soak in water for 5 min ( to make it easy to el dante when we boiled ) then boil it until el dante.
*1 siung bawang putih, potong kasar
* 1 clove of garlic, chop roughly
* sejumput garam
* a pinch of salt
* 1 sdt bubuk cabe
* 1 teaspoon chili powder
* 1 cup air
* a cup of water
*sejumput gula
* a pinch of sugar
* 3 sdm saus tomat
* 3 table spoon of tomato sauce
* minyak goreng atau minyak sayur secukupnya
* a little bit vegetable oil or cooking oil
*1 potong sosis, potong tipis2
*1 pcs of sausage, chop thin
Cara membuat / How To
*Tuang minyak goreng secukupnya dan panaskan wajan setelah panas, masukkan bawang putih dan sosis, aduk rata hingga sosis lembek atau mengeluarkan bau wangi api kecilkan
*Add cooking oil to the wok / pan after its hot. add garlic and sausage stir it until soft or smells good, low the heat.
*Masukkan saus tomat, lalu beri garam, gula dan bubuk cabe, aduk aduk hingga rata, masukkan air 1 cup dan aduk2 terus hingga rata dan sedikit kental, baru masukkan pasta yangt telah di tiriskan.. aduk - aduk hingga tercampur rata, lalu angkat dan sajikan di piring
*Adding tomato sauce, salt, sugar, and chili powder, stir it well until all covered, then put a cup of water, keep stir until the sauce is thicken, then adding pasta that we already drain from its water, stir it well until all covered, turn off the stove and put in plate.
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