
Recipe : Bakso Malang ( Malang meatballs)

Bahan / Ingredients

*  Kulit pangsit ( instan bentuk segi empat, di buat bulat dengan ring cutter atau gunting sisihkan sisa potongan )
*  Instan dumpling wrappers ( square shape but  we cut with ring cutter to get circle shape, keep a side left over ) 

*Apabila ingin membuat sendiri kulitnya  dan cara mengisi pangsit bisa dilihat di video ini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRkOYh80UC4 
* If you want to make your own dumpling wrappers and how to fill the dumpling you can follow the step in here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRkOYh80UC4 

* 500 gr Daging sapi cincang ( boleh diganti ayam )
* 500 gr Minced beef or you can replace with chiken or pork

*  200  gr Udang (dicincang halus)
*  200 gr  Minced shrimp

* 3 Bawang merah
* 3 Shallots

* 2 Bawang putih
* 2  Clove Garlic 

* 4 Bawang putih cincang kasar
* 4 clove garlic rough chopped

* 1 Sendok teh penyedap rasa
* 1 Teaspoon flavour enhancher

* 1 Sendok teh gula
* 1 Teaspoon sugar 

*   2 Sendok makan tepung  kanji ( maizena )
*  2 Tablespoon Starch ( corn flour ) 

*  Putih telur dari 1 telur ( untuk setiap 500gr daging )
*  Egg white from 1 egg ( for each up to 500gr meat )

*  1 Batang daun bawang (diiris halus )
*  1 Leeks thin cutted

* 1 Daun bawang di iris kasar 
* 1 Leeks rough cutted

* 1 Sendok teh lada 
* 1 Teaspoon pepper

*  Minyak wijen 2-3 sendok teh / to taste
*  Sesame oil  2-3 teaspoon / to taste

* Minyak goreng 
* Cooking oil 

* Air
* Water

Cara Membuat / How To

* Haluskan bawang putih, bawang merah, garam, merica, gula, dan penyedap rasa  lalu sisihkan
* If you have time use pestle and mortar to crush this ingredients : garlic, shallots, salts, pepper, sugar, and if you like a teaspoon of flavour enhancher. keep a side 

* Gunakan tempat lain untuk masukkan daging giling, udang yang sudah di haluskan, tambahkan 2 sendok  teh minyak wijen, dan 2 sendok makan tepung kanji,  dan bumbu yg sudah di haluskan, aduk rata dan bagi menjadi 2 adonan, 1 adonan untuk isi pangsit dan 1 untuk bakso
* Use other bowl put minced beef and minced shrimp, the nixed ingredients above, add 2 teaspoon sesame oil, 2 tablespoon starch / corn flour, mixed well with spoon and divide into 2 part 1 for filling and the other for meatballs

* Untuk adonan pangsit beri daun bawang  dan adonan untuk bakso beri putih telur  telur untuk membuat rekat dan tidak lepas masing2 di aduk rata 
* For filling add thin cutted leeks and the other part add egg white each of them need to mixed well 

*Masukkan isian ke kulit pangsit bentuk seperti yg anda bisa bisa di lihat di sini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRkOYh80UC hingga isian habis, lalu bentuk bulat2 pada adonan lain untuk bakso
* Fill the filling dough to the wrappers, you can see how to filling in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRkOYh80UC and the other part we make round shape for meatballs.

* Panaskan air setelah mendidih masukkan pangsit rebus hingga mengembang, tanda sudah matang angkat tiriskan
* Boiled water in a pot and put in the dumplings until its floating ( its mean its cooked ) take out and keep a side until all being cooked

*Di panci lain panaskan air,masukkan bola2 bakso, setelah mengembang angkat bakso dan sisihkan, sisa air bisa untuk kuah.
*In the other pot, boiled another water, put in the meatball and wait until they floating, take out and keep a side, the rest of the boiling water we will use for beef broth or soup

*Goreng bawang putih hingga kuning kecoklatan, angkat dan masukkan ke air kaldu, tambahkan garam gula dan merica, juga potongan daun bawang kasar cicipi hingga rasa gurih, masukkan 1 sendok makan minyak wijen diamkan hingga mendidih lagi bila perlu tambahkan penyedap.
* Saute rough chopped garlic until golden brown take out and put in the boiling beef borth, adding salt, sugar, peppers,  rough chopped leeks, taste to savory or need to add more salt or flavour enhancher.

* Sisa potongan kulit lumpia di gunting2 dan di goreng
* Left over wrappers cutt with scissors, and fried ( as crackers ) 

Penyajian / Serving
Ambil mangkok isi dengan bakso dan pangsit dan kulit lumpia goreng, tuang kuah dan beri sambal botol
selamat menikmati
Put in serving bowl, meatballs, dumplings and crackers pour the soup add chilli sauce ( if you like spicy )
3 - 4 porsi  tergantung isi tiap mangkok
3-4 portions depends on how many meatballs or dumpling in each bowls

*original recipe by Apink Sisila ( Facebook member )



Salad with peanut butter dressings

make sure all this ingredients washed well
2 apples cut diced
1 onion cut diced
lettuce ripped
put all ingredients in a bowl

3 tablespoon of peanut butter
1 teaspoon of chili sauce (any chili sauce will do ) you can add more if you like it hot
1 teaspoon shrimp paste
2 tablespoon of hot water ( you may add  more water if feel the sauce too thick )

how to make the sauce
Put the peanut sauce in a small bowl
add the shrimp paste, mixed it with whisk or spoon
then add the hot water, until its well mixed
and then add the chilli sauce, mixed it well too
you can add more hot water if you feel the sauce too thick
or adding more peanut butter and hot water when you need more sauce

last step you need to pour the sauce to the bowl of the ingredients
mixed it with spatula or big spoon until all the ingredients covered by the sauce
let them in the fridge for about half until 1 hour to make it more fresh and cooler
then served, servings 1-2 people 


Recipe: Fried fish and dabu dabu sauce #Indonesia

Fried fish and dabu dabu sauce


2-3 pcs Trevally fillet fried them

Dabu - dabu sauce

5-12 cayenne cut roughly /chilli padi's  ( use small amount if you dont like spicy )
5 shallots thin cut
1 tomato diced
4 table spoon cooking oil
1 teaspon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar

How to

put all the ingredients of dabu2 sauce in a bowl
or pan, beside the cooking oil.
heat up the cooking oil and our the oil onto
the ingredients mixed them well then pour onto
the fried fish

served with rice for 2-3 person


Recipe : Honey Roasted Chicken ( Ayam Panggang Madu )

Ingredients / Bahan
5 pcs chicken / 5 potong ayam 
3 cloves garlic crushed  / 3 siung bawang putih, haluskan 
2 tablespoon oyster sauce / 2 sdm saus tiram
3 tablespoon honey  / 3 sdm madu
3 tablespoon melted butter / 3 sdm margarin yang sudah di cairkan 
1 teaspoon black pepper / 1 sdt merica hitam bubuk
1 tablespoon tomato sauce / 1 sdm saus tomat 

How to / cara membuat

1. Put melted butter in a bowl, add tomato sauce, oyster sauce, garlic, honey, and black pepper mixed them well.
Taruh mentega air di mangkok, tambahkan saus tomat, saus tiram, bawang putih, madu dan merica hitam, campur hingga rata.
2. Add the chicken in  the mixed sauce, cover them well 
tambahkan potongan ayam di dalam capuran saus, aduk aduk hingga ayam ter lumuri saus dengan rata
3. Keep it in the refrigerator for an hour
diamkan di dalam kulkas selama 1 jam
4. Place the chicken on baking pan that already cover with butter so the chicken wont stick to the pan while baking. and baked the chicken in 150C oven for 60 minute ( or longer if you like the chicken crispy ) 
Tempatkan ayam diatas loyang yang sudah di lumuri oleh mentega, panggang didalam oven dengan suhu 150c selama kurang lebih 60 menit, ( atau lebih lama bila menyukai ayam yang lebih kering atau krispi ) 

Source: resep yummy 



#Girls Diary

If only life as sweet as macaroons... I can easily ate it and finished it in a second.. lol  unfortunately it is not... 
my week just great, working again with kids.. they always giving me positive energy as feedback.... no fear.. full of ideas... endless... 

And weekend  ussualy I have morning walk, and I get busy with my other passions which is dresses and bags .. and later will be spending time in bed hehehe... so its full...but something is missing.. and I dont know what it is... I keep searching the pieces that was missing... 

So tell me what you ussualy do on weekends ? 



Two can play that game

My weekend is about this movie.. its funny and give more lesson to learn.. but the point is... in LOVE theres no rules needed.. its just simply LOVE 



Recipe: Ayam bumbu kuning & sambal petir *Yellow Fried chicken & Petir chili sauce*

Untuk warga Indonesia sudah terbiasa dengan ayam goreng kuning kan ? bisa beli yang sudah di bumbuin tinggal digoreng, tapi kalau mau coba buat sendiri boleh... yang istimewa itu sambal petirnya.. jamin super pedas sampe nangis2 dehhh.... yuuk di lihat resepnya
Yellow fried chicken known well for Indonesian, but the "sambal petir " or petir chili sauce is the special, its super hots, and will burn your lips.. anyway you can always reduce the chili birds... 

Ayam Goreng Kuning / Yellow fried chicken 

Bahan / Ingredients:
10 potong ayam sudah di cuci tiriskan
10 pcs of chicken ( make sure you already wash it )
2 cangkir air
2 cup of water
bumbu ayam kuning sudah jadi atau bisa lihat resepnya disini
yellow spice paste you can look up the recipe in here 
minyak goreng untuk menggoreng ayam
cooking oil to fry the chicken

Cara Membuat /How to
1. Taruh potongan ayam di panci, masukkan pula bumbu kuning, dan 2 cangkir air, nyalakan api masak hingga mendidih dan aduk sekali2 hingga air surut agak kering. sisihkan
1. Put the chicken in a pot, add the yellow spice paste, and 2 cup of water, turn on the stove boiled, sometimes stiir it until the water dissolves... keep a side
ayam yang sudah di bumbui bisa di simpan di dalam kulkas dapat di gunakan hingga 1 minggu kedepan
you can keep the chicken for longer period in a place and keep it in refrigerator for approximately 1 week  
2. Panaskan minyak goreng dan goreng ayam hingga matang
2. Heat the cooking oil and fry the chicken until its cooked

Sambal Petir / Petir Chili sauce (untuk 10 ayam / for 10 chicken )

Bahan / Ingredients
21 cabe rawit merah  
21 bird chili 
11 bawang merah kupas
11  shallots
2 sendok teh garam
2 teaspoon sea salt 
1 sendok teh gula
1 teaspoon sugar
1 cangkir minyak goreng
1 cup cooking oil 

Cara membuat / How to 
1. Haluskan cabe rawit, bawang merah, garam gula  dengan ulekan atau blender boleh sampai halus atau kalau suka kasar tidak terlalu lama menghaluskannya.
1. Blend bird chili, shallots, sea salt, and sugar if you have more energy and patience, you can use a mortar and pestle. However, if you don’t, just use a food processor to blend all the ingredients until smooth.
2. Panaskan minyak goreng, lalu tuang bumbu sambal yang sudah di haluskan, aduk2 hingga layu dan angkat tidak terlalu lama agar tidak gosong
2. Heat up the cooking oil, pour the mixed chili, fry a lil bit.. about 5 min, and turn off  the stove.

Hidangkan Ayam goreng dengan nasi, lalapan kol, timun daun selada dan daun kemangi
Serve the fried chicken with rice, and use cabbage, cucumber, lettuce and basil for garnish

* you can always reduce the amount of chili bird, and adding tomato to make it less hot 
