Untuk warga Indonesia sudah terbiasa dengan ayam goreng kuning kan ? bisa beli yang sudah di bumbuin tinggal digoreng, tapi kalau mau coba buat sendiri boleh... yang istimewa itu sambal petirnya.. jamin super pedas sampe nangis2 dehhh.... yuuk di lihat resepnya
Yellow fried chicken known well for Indonesian, but the "sambal petir " or petir chili sauce is the special, its super hots, and will burn your lips.. anyway you can always reduce the chili birds...
Ayam Goreng Kuning / Yellow fried chicken
Bahan / Ingredients:
10 potong ayam sudah di cuci tiriskan
10 pcs of chicken ( make sure you already wash it )
2 cangkir air
2 cup of water
bumbu ayam kuning sudah jadi atau bisa lihat resepnya disini
yellow spice paste you can look up the recipe in here
minyak goreng untuk menggoreng ayam
cooking oil to fry the chicken
Cara Membuat /How to
1. Taruh potongan ayam di panci, masukkan pula bumbu kuning, dan 2 cangkir air, nyalakan api masak hingga mendidih dan aduk sekali2 hingga air surut agak kering. sisihkan
1. Put the chicken in a pot, add the yellow spice paste, and 2 cup of water, turn on the stove boiled, sometimes stiir it until the water dissolves... keep a side
ayam yang sudah di bumbui bisa di simpan di dalam kulkas dapat di gunakan hingga 1 minggu kedepan
you can keep the chicken for longer period in a place and keep it in refrigerator for approximately 1 week
2. Panaskan minyak goreng dan goreng ayam hingga matang
2. Heat the cooking oil and fry the chicken until its cooked
Sambal Petir / Petir Chili sauce (untuk 10 ayam / for 10 chicken )
Bahan / Ingredients
21 cabe rawit merah
21 bird chili
11 bawang merah kupas
11 shallots
2 sendok teh garam
2 teaspoon sea salt
1 sendok teh gula
1 teaspoon sugar
1 cangkir minyak goreng
1 cup cooking oil
Cara membuat / How to
1. Haluskan cabe rawit, bawang merah, garam gula dengan ulekan atau blender boleh sampai halus atau kalau suka kasar tidak terlalu lama menghaluskannya.
1. Blend bird chili, shallots, sea salt, and sugar if you have more energy and patience, you can use a mortar and pestle. However, if you don’t, just use a food processor to blend all the ingredients until smooth.
2. Panaskan minyak goreng, lalu tuang bumbu sambal yang sudah di haluskan, aduk2 hingga layu dan angkat tidak terlalu lama agar tidak gosong
2. Heat up the cooking oil, pour the mixed chili, fry a lil bit.. about 5 min, and turn off the stove.
Hidangkan Ayam goreng dengan nasi, lalapan kol, timun daun selada dan daun kemangi
Serve the fried chicken with rice, and use cabbage, cucumber, lettuce and basil for garnish
* you can always reduce the amount of chili bird, and adding tomato to make it less hot
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