
Sotong Sauce ( Malaysia )

600gr  Medium Squids, cleans and cut 1 cm like a ring
3 tablespoon vegetable oil 
2 lemon grass use the white part 
5 lime leaves
tamarind water ( soak in a little bit tamarind with 1 tablespoon water )
100 ml coconut milk
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 teaspoon sugar
100ml water

Blend these ingredients together using blender or using pestle and mortar
15 chillies take out the seeds
10 shalots
3 roasted hazelnuts
1/4 teaspoon shrimp paste

How to :
1. Heat the vegetable oil in a pan with medium heat, add the spicy paste ( the ingredients that we blend together ) add lemongrass, and lime leaves until comes out the aroma, then add the tamarind water, stir it well until mixed together
2. Add coconut milk, keep stirring, add water.. until reduce a lil bit, and add the squids, add sea salts, and sugar, dont forget to taste it... and you can always add more sugar or sea salts....keep stir until the squids cooked and served 

serverd for 6 person

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