
Food and Art

Hi There !

Im surprise after checking on my friends social media.. I know him for almost a year now.. and I know he loved to take pictures of his food creations. He started with just simple camera  Japanese lunch box or Bento, its look neat and to be honest.. it just exactly like Japanese who made those Bento's !

After Bento he tried other Asian foods and start to get profesional, and I just knew that making food pictures can be sooo.... interesting and need alot of details and tools not only a camera and of course time.. because you need to cook ( if you happen to make those food by yourself ) and of course the presentations, you can check on the tools here I post one of his picture while making it.

So beside the presentation, the way you capture the food and the most important thing is.. you need to put feeling to it... so the picture can speak by it self.. sometimes food pictures look neat.. nice colours..but people dont think its yummy or they dont want to have it for their lunch...well that is my opinions.. but Mark's pictures most of them make me want to have it on my table hehehe so.. I think he did it .... and he is making an Art :)

I will share the url of his pictures when he decide to show his food pictures for public.. for now.. here are some of his pictures.. from the simple picture ( Bento ) with simple camera to other high quality pictures :)
hope you all like it


source : pictures courtesy of Mark Albert 

Bento with simple camera

nice Chicken Hainan 

This is how it work..  mmmm            


Mie Goreng *Fried Noodles *

Mie goreng salah satu makanan favorit kuuu.... mau tau cara buat nya ala  Dwinita ? ayoo di tengok 
Fried noodles is one of my favorite foods... do you want to know how to make fried noodles ala Dwinita ? check this out 

Bahan / Ingredients:
*200mg  mie telur  ( rebus hingga empuk angkat dan sisihkan ) 
200mg dry eggs noodles ( boiled until tender, drain keep a side ) 
* 1 daun bawang potong kasar ambil bagian hijau nya saja
1 big leeks chopped use the green part
 * 2 -3 lembar  kol potong tipis2 kasar
2 - 3 sheet of cabbages chooped 
* 2 sosis yang sudah di rebus di potong2 
2 sausages that already boiled, thin cut 

* 4 bawang putih, 1 kemiri, merica butir atau bubuk 1 sendok teh, dan garam 1 sendok teh, haluskan atau di ulek dan pisahkan
4 cloves garlic, 1 hazelnut, 1 teaspoon pepper, and 1 teaspoon salt, mix together using pestle and mortar
* kecap manis secukupnya  
soy sauce 
* penyedap rasa ayam bila perlu 
additional flavours / msg 
* 2 sendok makan minyak goreng
2 tablespoon cooking oil 
* 1 cangkir air
1 cup water

Cara memasak / How to
*panaskan minyak goreng, lalu masukkan daun bawang dan kol dengan api kecil, aduk - aduk hingga layu, lalu masukan bumbu halus ( bawang putih merica dll ) lalu aduk aduk hingga wangi dan beri air sedikit agar tercampur dan biar kan hingga mendidih
Heat the cooking oil, add the leeks and cabagges, use small fire, stiir well... until the cabbage tender then adding the mixed of garlic pepper etc, and add 1 cup water until its mixed together, and boiled 

* masukkan mie yang sudah di rebus aduk2 rata, gunakan 2 sendok atau 2 spatula agar saat mengaduk tercampur rata.
add the noodles, mixed it well.. I use to have 2 spatula to get easier mixed the noodles

* tuang 2 - 3 sendok makan kecap di tempat lain, tambahkan sedikit garam dan penyedap rasa ( bila perlu ) aduk - aduk lalu tuang ke ke atas mie..  aduk2 lagi hingga kecap tercampur rata, bila rasa kurang pas lakukan hal yang sama hingga menghasilkan rasa mie yang di inginkan.
Pour 2 - 3 tablespoon soysauce in other place, add a little bit salt and  MSG if you feel need additional flavour.  stiir the mixed soy sauce then pour on the noodles, mixed it well until all the noodles covers with the soy sauce, and taste.. and repeat the same way on the soy sauce until you get the right taste of the fried noodles.
 * hidangkan, bisa untuk 4 orang
Served, this recipe for 4 portions 


Two favorite tunes

Setelah hari yang panjang... walau ini hari Jum at... besok sudah hari libur.. pekerjaan saya belum lah selesai... memang banyak yang musti di perbaiki... dan ga ada kata terlambat untuk memulai kan ?.. dua lagu ini selalu menjadi lagu yang memenangkan, dan membuat santai..
semoga lagu ini pun kesukaan anda....

After a long day... and tomorrow is weekend.. I havent done my work yet.. need to email that.. email this... I know there's a lot to be fixed... but theres never too late right ? this two songs make my day better.. calming and relaxing.. so hope you like it too...



Nangis bombai... *crying out loud *

OOOhhhh nangis bombai... saat dikasih tahu kalo pagelaran minggu ini itu Indonesia Fashion Week dan ga dapat ticket nya... lupa dan telat .... :( sediihhhhh
cuplikan Indonesia Fashion week tahun lalu sebagai pengobat rindu yaa...

Ohh Im crying out loud when I found out I cant get the ticket to this  Indonesia Fashion Week at the end of this week arghhh I know my fault.. I forgot that this big event always take time in early year... I forgot and Im late to ask for the tickets :( saadddd
here is Indonesian Fashion Week 2013 as a review...


setiap hari berbagi kasih sayang " everyday is love day "

Heyy heyy...

Hampir seminggu setelah tanggal 14 baru sempat posting lagi... bagaimana kabar dunia blogs ? mmm tanggal 14 ku berjalan biasa aja... ga ada yang spesial di tanggal itu .. hanya meliburkan diri.
Beberapa waktu lalu jalan2 sama temen - temen.. hanya nikmati waktu yang jaraaangg banget aku lakuin.. ke mall ? wew... bisa di hitung dengan jari dalam 1 bulan.. aku bukan penggemar mall... aku lebih suka taman dan banyak pohon - pohon ngobrol.. tanpa perlu buang uamg hehehe irit kan ? tapi harus makan enakkkk..... itu kudu harus hukum nya...
okay lah aku posting foto makanan nya dari Black Canyon caffe Citos sama temen baik ku
informasi foto, American breakfast, Seafood combo dan macam2 minuman :)

Almost a week after Feb 14th I got a chance to write again.. so hows blog life ??  mmm my Feb 14 just like usual I dont put  a special date on that day, I only let myself have a day off..
Few weeks ago I have ladies nite with my friend... Im not a mall buff... I like trees parks and talking with friends than walking and window shopping at the mall.... I go to the mall when I want to buy something... okay.. my hang out days with friends should end up with super yummy foods.. is it lunch, brunch, or dinner.. I dont care.. it should have something with food.. because I just love have  a good food...  
Todays comfort  foods are from Black Canyon Citos.. they are yummy ! 
pictures details ; American breakfast ( something with eggs ), seafood combo, and drinks.. :)     enjoyy



Pelangi hari ini *Today's Rainbow*

Setelah kemarin terlalu semangat bersih - bersih laptop tercinta... whoppppp tiba - tiba beberapa program di laptop ikutan raibbb.... *syook* terpaksa hari ini mundur teratur semua kegiatan dengan laptop. tapi aku punya teman yang supperrr baik, "my best IT Engineer " karena hanya dengan diagnostik melalui internet, aku ikuti petunjuknya voilaa.. akhirnya berhasil juga aku posting blog ku malam ini kan ??... yayy ! seneng benerr.... thnks ya MS... kita sudah berteman sejak tahun 2001 kurang lebih.... dan selama ini ada beberapa saat yang genting dia ada untuk membantu saya, terima kasih Allah sudah mengirimkan pelangi ku hari ini melalui MS...
#berterimakasih untuk hari ini

After yesterday I get too excited cleaning up my dearest laptop.... and whooppp !!  theres few of programs in my laptop that missing... *shock* so today I have to delay all my work... sad... 
but I have someone who is supppeeeer nice.. "my best IT Engineer " with his help thru smartphone... and following his guidances.. voilaa..  I can post my blog again... yayy.... Im soo happy.. thanks MS... you are my angel.. and you brought me rainbow...  we are friend from 2001 its been a long time... ...theres hard times that he was there to help me... Thanks God for sending me a rainbow thru MS... 



Cewe umum *typical female*

Menarik untuk di bahas, setelah ngobrol - ngobrol sama seseorang nun jauh disana, jenis kelamin laki - laki.
Setelah ngobrol panjang, kalimat yang keluar adalah " kamu seperti kebanyakan cewe umum nya ya "
saya pun terdiam dan bingung... oh berarti turun deh 1 poin, ga pingin menganalisa, dan berpikir apa dibalik kata - kata itu... saya buat becanda aja... lalu dia kira saya ini bukan perempuan ? lantas banci ? saat dibalas seperti itu dia cuma diem aja...
kalau laki - laki bilang sulit mengerti wanita, boleh dong perempuan  berkata " bingung ngikutin pikiran pria " karena kalau kita seperti kebanyakan perempuan lantas dia berharap kita seperti apa dong ?
pelangiku hari ini memang bikin senyum senyum...

This is interesting, after talking to someone that live far away .... theres a time he said " I think you're a typical female " I get silent and confuse.. is this mean that I get bad impression ? wow... I dont want to analize, or think what behind his words, so I make a joke on that... " well what you think I am.... shemale ?" he didnt replied back... 
When a man said they facing hard time to understand women,  women sometimes get lost to understand men too.. when I remember his word about me as typical female... so what he expect me to be ?....
my rainbow of the day make me smiles....


Kue Macaron... bulan Februari #Macaron and February#

Bulan baru... harapan baru... tantangan baru... siap kah ?? Bulan Februari ada tanggal special yaitu tanggal 14 Februari terlepas dari kalian merayakan atau tidak, dibelahan dunia lain bulan itu amat special...
Pada bulan ini biasanya di mall banyak di dekor hiasan hiasan dari warna pastel.. aku sukaa banget warna pastel.. khususnya merah muda, hijau toska dan biru muda...  hingga tergila - gila sama kue manis yang namanya Macaron ini.. sudah pernah coba ? rasanya manis karena banyak terbuat dari gula.

New month new hopes, new challanges... are you ready ??  Theres special date in February... its February 14th I know that most of Indonesian didnt celebrate anything on that dates, but on the other side of the globe.. people celebrate it.  
Eventhough most of Indonesian not celebrate this February 14th but malls in Jakarta usualy have pinky and pastel colours decorations near that date... I love pastel colours especialy pink, light green, and light blue and Im crazy with this sweet cakes called Macaron... have you try it ? its taste sweet because made of lots of sugar.

Saking tergila - gilanya sama Macaron... aku jadi jualan deh... ada teman yang punya bisnis Macaron dan aku bantu jualin.. yang tertarik... bisa pesan ya.. untuk mini macaron 1 jar nya isi 30 pcs harga Rp 80 000 dan belum termasuk ongkos kirim ya... untuk pemesanan bisa kontak di hangout aku atau reply di blog ini untuk dapat no yang bisa di hubungi :)

Okay... since I love this Macaron, I help my friend who start her business selling this yummy macaron....and sorry its only sale in Indonesia hehehe... 
Have a nice February :) feel the love 




Selamat datang bulan Februari semoga lebih baik dari bulan sebelum nya... woww... waktu cepat sekali berjalan... perasaan belum sempat bangun tidur dari tahun baru... goshh !!

Welcome February theres nothing that I want than to wish you all better in everything this month... how time flies sooo fast... I even still can smell of New Year.. and now already in other month ? gosh 